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· 13 min read
Rotem Tamir

Hi everyone,

We are back again with a new release of Atlas, v0.24. In this release we double down on the core principle that has been guiding us from the start: enabling developers to manage their database schema as code. The features we announce today may appear like a yet another cool addition to Atlas, but I am fairly confident, that in a few years' time, they will be recognized as something foundational.

In this release we introduce:

  • schema test - a new command (and framework) for testing your database schema using familiar software testing paradigms.
  • migrate test - a new command for testing writing tests for you schema migrations.
  • Enhanced editor support - we have added support for some long awaited features in our VSCode and JetBrains plugins: multi-file schemas, jump to definition, and support for much larger schemas.

Doubling Down on Database Schema-as-Code

The core idea behind Atlas is to enable developers to manage their Database Schema-as-Code. Before we jump into the recent additions to Atlas, I would like to take a moment to reflect on why our industry seems to think that "X-as-Code" is a great idea.

In a nutshell, the "X-as-Code" movement is about being able to describe the desired state of a system (whether it's infrastructure, configuration, or schema) in a declarative way and then have that state enforced by a tool.

So why is having things described as code so great? Here are a few reasons:

  • Code can be versioned. This means that you can track changes to your system over time, easily compare states, and rollback as needed.
  • Code is understood by machines. As formal languages, code can be parsed, analyzed, and executed by machines.
  • Code can be tested and validated. By using software testing paradigms, you can ensure that your system behaves as expected in an automated way.
  • Code can be shared and reused. Code allows us to transfer successful ideas and implementations between projects and teams.
  • Code has a vast ecosystem of productivity tools. By using code, you can leverage the vast ecosystem of tools and practices that have been developed by software engineers over the years.

Our core goal with Atlas is to bring these benefits to the world of database schema management. We believe that by enabling developers to manage their database schema as code, we can help them build better, more reliable systems.

Today we bring one of the most important tenets of modern software development to the world of database schema management: testing.

Why test your database schema and migrations?

Testing is a fundamental part of modern software development. By writing tests, you can ensure that your code behaves as expected, catch bugs early, and prevent regressions.

When it comes to database schemas, testing is just as important. Databases are much more than just a storage layer, they can be programmed, enforce logic and constraints, and have complex relationships between tables. For example, table triggers allow you to run custom code when certain events occur, and you should be able to test that this code behaves as expected and that later changes to the schema do not break it. In a similar vein, developers can provide complex expressions in check constraints that should be tested to ensure they are working as expected.

When it comes to migrations, testing is equally important. Atlas already provides the migrate lint command to help you catch invalid migrations and common mistakes. However, migrate test takes validating your migrations a step further.

Many teams use migrations as a mechanism to apply data migrations in tandem with schema changes. As they involve data, these changes are super risky, yet it is notoriously hard to test them. By providing a way to test your migrations, we hope to make this process easier and more reliable.

Introducing schema test

The schema test command allows you to write tests for your database schema using familiar software testing paradigms.

To get started, first install the latest version of the Atlas CLI:

To download and install the latest release of the Atlas CLI, simply run the following in your terminal:

curl -sSf | sh

Next, login to your Atlas account to activate the new schema testing features:

atlas login

Let's see a brief example. We will begin our project by defining a basic Atlas project file named atlas.hcl:

env "local" {
src = "file://schema.hcl"
dev = "docker://postgres/16/dev?search_path=public"

Next, let's define a PostgreSQL Domain to model a data type for a us_postal_code:

CREATE DOMAIN "us_postal_code" AS text
CONSTRAINT "us_postal_code_check"
(VALUE ~ '^\d{5}$'::text) OR
(VALUE ~ '^\d{5}-\d{4}$'::text)

Next, let's create a file named "schema.test.hcl" with the following content:

test "schema" "postal" {
exec {
sql = "select 'hello'::us_postal_code"

Per testing best practices, we start with a test that is going to fail, since the string "hello" is not a valid US postal code.

Now, we can run the test using the schema test command:

atlas schema test --env local

The output will be:

-- FAIL: postal (319µs)
Error: pq: value for domain us_postal_code violates check constraint "us_postal_code_check"

As expected, the test failed, and we can now fix the test by catching that error and verifying its message:

test "schema" "postal" {
catch {
sql = "select 'hello'::us_postal_code"
error = "value for domain us_postal_code violates check constraint"

Re-running the test:

atlas schema test --env local

The output will be:

-- PASS: postal (565µs)

Now we can expand the test to cover more cases, such as valid postal codes and more invalid cases:

test "schema" "postal" {
exec {
sql = "select '12345'::us_postal_code"
output = "12345" // Assert the returned value is "12345"
exec {
sql = "select '12345-1234'::us_postal_code"
output = "12345-1234" // Assert the returned value is "12345-1234"
catch {
sql = "select 'hello'::us_postal_code"
error = "value for domain us_postal_code violates check constraint"
catch {
sql = "select '1234'::us_postal_code"
error = "value for domain us_postal_code violates check constraint"
assert {
sql = "select '12345'::us_postal_code::text='12345'" // Assert the query returns true.
log {
message = "Hooray, testing!"

Re-running the test:

atlas schema test --env local

The output will be:

-- PASS: postal (1ms)
schema.test.hcl:21: Hooray, testing!

Let's review what happens when we run atlas schema test:

  • Atlas will apply the schema for the local environment on the dev database.
  • Atlas will search the current directory for files matching the pattern *.test.hcl.
  • For each test file found, Atlas will execute a test for each test "schema" "<name>" block.
  • Here are the possible test blocks:
    • exec - Executes a SQL statement and verifies the output.
    • catch - Executes a SQL statement and verifies that an error is thrown.
    • assert - Executes a SQL statement and verifies that the output is true.
    • log - Logs a message to the test output.

Using this modest framework, you can now write tests for your database schema, ensuring that it behaves as expected. This command can be integrated into your local development workflow or even as part of your CI pipeline further ensuring the quality of your database schema changes.

Introducing migrate test

The migrate test command allows you to write tests for your schema migrations. This is a powerful feature that enables you to test logic in your migrations in a minimal and straightforward way. The command is similar to schema test but is focused on testing migrations.

Suppose we are refactoring an existing table users which has a name column that we want to split into first_name and last_name columns. The recommended way to do this kind of refactoring in a backward-compatible way. Initially, we will be adding the new columns In Atlas DDL, the schema change would look roughly like this:

table "users " {
// .. redacted
+ column "first_name" {
+ type = text
+ null = true
+ }
+ column "last_name" {
+ type = text
+ null = true
+ }

Next, we will use Atlas to generate a migration for this change:

atlas migrate diff --env local

A new file will be created in our migrations directory:

-- Modify "users" table
ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "first_name" text NULL, ADD COLUMN "last_name" text NULL;

Next, let's add the backfill logic to populate the new columns with the data from the name column:

-- Modify "users" table
ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "first_name" text NOT NULL, ADD COLUMN "last_name" text NOT NULL;

-- Backfill data
UPDATE "users" SET "first_name" = split_part("name", ' ', 1), "last_name" = split_part("name", ' ', 2);

After changing the contents of our migration file, we must update our atlas.sum file to reflect the changes:

atlas migrate hash --env local

Next, we will create a test case to verify that our migration works correctly in different cases. Let's add the following block to a new file named migrations.test.hcl:

test "migrate" "name_split" {
migrate {
// Replace with the migration version before the one we just added.
to = "20240613061046"
exec {
sql = "insert into users (name) values ('Ada Lovelace')"
migrate {
to = "20240613061102"
exec {
sql = "select first_name,last_name from users"
output = "Ada, Lovelace"

Let's explain what this test does:

  • We start by defining a new test case named name_split.
  • The migrate block runs migrations up to a specific version. In this case, we are running all migrations up to the version before the one we just added.
  • The exec block runs a SQL statement. In this case, we are inserting a new user with the name "Ada Lovelace".
  • Next, we run our new migration, 20240613061102.
  • Finally, we run a SQL statement to verify that the first_name and last_name columns were populated correctly.

Let's run the test:

atlas migrate test --env local

The output will be:

-- PASS: name_split (33ms)

Great, our test passed! We can now be confident that our migration works as expected.

Testing Edge Cases

With our test infra all set up, it's now easy to add more test cases to cover edge cases. For example, we can add a test to verify that our splitting logic works correctly for names that include a middle name, for example, John Fitzgerald Kennedy:

test "migrate" "name_split_middle_name" {
migrate {
to = "20240613061046"
exec {
sql = "insert into users (name) values ('John Fitzgerald Kennedy')"
migrate {
to = "20240613061102"
exec {
sql = "select first_name,last_name from users"
output = "John Fitzgerald, Kennedy"

We expect to see only the family name in the last_name column, and the rest of the name in the first_name column.

Will it work? Let's run the test:

atlas migrate test --env local --run name_split_middle_name

Our test fails:

-- FAIL: name_split_middle_name (32ms)
Error: no match for `John Fitzgerald, Kennedy` found in "John, Fitzgerald"

Let's improve our splitting logic to be more robust:

-- Modify "users" table
ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "first_name" text NULL, ADD COLUMN "last_name" text NULL;

-- Backfill data
UPDATE "users"
SET "first_name" = regexp_replace("name", ' ([^ ]+)$', ''),
"last_name" = regexp_replace("name", '^.* ', '');

We changed our splitting logic to be more robust by using regular expressions:

  • The first_name column will now contain everything before the last space in the name column.
  • The last_name column will contain everything after the last space in the name column.

Before testing our new logic, we need to update our migration hash:

atlas migrate hash --env local

Now, let's run the test again:

atlas migrate test --env local --run name_split_middle_name

The output will be:

-- PASS: name_split_middle_name (31ms)

Great! Our test passed, and we can now be confident that our migration works as expected for names with middle names.

As a final check, let's also verify that our migration works correctly for names with only one word, such as Prince:

test "migrate" "name_split_one_word" {
migrate {
to = "20240613061046"
exec {
sql = "insert into users (name) values ('Prince')"
migrate {
to = "20240613061102"
exec {
sql = "select first_name,last_name from users"
output = "Prince, "

Let's run the test:

atlas migrate test --env local --run name_split_one_word

The output will be:

-- PASS: name_split_one_word (34ms)

Amazing! Our test passed, and we can move forward with confidence.

Enhanced Editor Support

In this release, we have added support for some long-awaited features in our VSCode and JetBrains plugins:

  • Multi-file schemas - Our editor plugins will now automatically detect and load all schema files in your project, allowing you to reference tables and columns across files.
  • Jump to definition - Source code can be modeled as a graph of entities where one entity can reference another. For example a Java class method invokes a method in another class, or a table's foreign key references another table's primary key. Jump to definition allows you to navigate this graph by jumping to the definition of the entity you are interested in.
  • Support for much larger schemas - We have improved the performance of our editor plugins to support much larger schemas.

To try the latest versions, head over to the VSCode Marketplace or the JetBrains Marketplace.

Wrapping Up

That's all for this release! We hope you try out (and enjoy) all of these new features and find them useful. As always, we would love to hear your feedback and suggestions on our Discord server.

· 3 min read


Atlas supports many ways to describe database schemas. Using Schema Loaders, Atlas gives users the flexibility to define schemas using plain SQL, a connection to another database or using Atlas HCL.

What is Atlas HCL?

Atlas includes a data-definition language based on a Terraform-like syntax. This language, which was designed specifically for describing database schemas is based on HashiCorp's HCL toolkit for creating structured configuration languages.

This data definition language is easy to read, edit, and visualize, and it allows us to organize our schema data in a efficient way that has many benefits to using plain SQL.

What is the Atlas HCL VSCode Extension?

To make it easier for users to define schemas using Atlas HCL, we're happy to announce the release of the official Atlas HCL VSCode Extension. This extension provides a rich set of features that will help users define schemas using Atlas HCL.

In this post, we'll take a closer look at the features of this extension and how it can benefit your work.


Auto Completion

The extension provides auto completion support for all SQL resources available within Atlas. For a comprehensive list of the supported resources, please visit this document: SQL Resources.


Batch Completion

Referencing Qualified Tables

This refers to a feature that allows for referencing tables and their columns in a structured manner, either relative to the current location (e.g. or absolute to the table (e.g.

Referencing Qualified Tables


To ensure that errors are caught from the beginning, the Atlas HCL VSCode Extension offers a range of validations that enhance type safety for users. The specific validations provided will vary depending on the SQL dialect being used. This feature is designed to help users identify and fix issues early on, resulting in a more efficient and effective schema-building process.



To use this extension, you can either install it directly from the VSCode desktop or download it from the Marketplace. The extension will appear in the extensions list as Atlas HCL.


After installing the Atlas HCL extension, it automatically registers for all the languages that Atlas supports. These languages include:

NameLanguage IDDescription
Atlas SQLiteatlas-schema-sqliteSQLite dialect
Atlas MySQLatlas-schema-mysqlMySQL dialect
Atlas PostgresQLatlas-schema-postgresqlPostgresQL dialect
Atlas MariaDBatlas-schema-mariadbMariaDB dialect
Atlas Config Fileatlas-configProject Configuration

By default, the extension will auto-detect atlas.hcl files in your project. However, if you have any schema files in your project, you must choose the language for them. You can do this in three ways in vscode:

  1. Click on "Change Language" for your schema files in this section at bottom. (See image below)


  1. Use the Command Palette and choose "Change language mode" (See image below)

Installation by command palette

  1. Use Language Identifiers

Wrapping Up

In this post, we've introduced The Atlas HCL Extension. There's much more inside, and we invite you to install it today and give it a try.

What next?