ORM and Framework Guides
Atlas integrates with popular ORMs and frameworks to provide advanced schema management capabilities. Choose your ORM or framework to get started.
Atlas vs. ORM tools
When should you prefer Atlas over your ORM's tool?
Python is a popular language for web development, data science, and automation. Atlas can be used to replace the built-in migration tools that ship with popular Python ORMs like SQLAlchemy and Django to accommodate more advanced schema management use-cases.
Replace Alembic with Atlas for your SQLAlchemy projects.
Enhance Django migrations with Atlas.
Go, a statically typed, compiled language, is popular for building web servers, CLIs, and microservices. Go ORMs have traditionally shipped with very basic (or no) schema management capabilities. Atlas can be used to automate both planning, verification and execution of schema changes for Go ORMs like GORM and Beego.
Schema-as-Code up and down the stack with Ent and Atlas.
Manage your GORM database schema with Atlas.
Automate schema migrations for Beego with Atlas.
Generate runtime code and migrations from a single source of truth.
Node.js / TypeScript
Over the past decade, Node.js has become a popular choice for building web servers and APIs. Support for migrations in the Node ecosystem has varied over the years, from the mostly manual migration tooling in Sequelize to the more automated capabilities in modern Prisma and Drizzle.
Atlas can be used to automate schema migrations for Node.js ORMs like Sequelize, TypeORM, and Prisma and support advanced schema management use-cases typically not supported by these tools.
Use Atlas for advanced schema management in your Prisma projects.
Automate schema migrations for your Sequelize projects with Atlas.
Automatic migration planning and execution for your TypeORM projects.