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atlas makes it easy to manage schemas for database-per-tenant architectures.

From a handful of tenants to thousands, Atlas provides everything you need to deliver an excellent SaaS solution to your customers in a way that your engineers will love.

Why Database per Tenant

Database per-tenant architectures unlock unprecedented data isolation and compliance capabilities for applications, but managing schemas for thousands of tenant databases is hard.

Data Isolation

Each tenant’s data is physically separated from others, enhancing security by reducing the risk of data leaks between tenants.

Data Compliance

This isolation also simplifies compliance with data privacy regulations such as GDPR or HIPAA, as each tenant’s data can be managed according to specific policies and stored in the correct the correct geographic location.


Performance can be optimized on a per-tenant basis. If a particular tenant’s workload increases, their database can be scaled independently of others, ensuring that other tenants are not affected by one tenant’s resource demands.

Simpler development

By splitting each tenant’s data into a separate database, your application’s codebase is greatly simplified effectively becoming a single-tenant application.  

Without Atlas Database Per Tenant is Hard

Migration duration scale linearly with tenant count.

Detecting inconsistency becomes a needle-in-a-haystack problem

Rollbacks are difficult to orchestrate.

This architecture decisions is one of my biggest regrets, and we are currently in the process of rebuilding into a single database model.

Atlas makes it easy


Define targets

Define dynamic target database groups (by tier, location, or other tags).



Build reliable deployment pipelines that apply schema migrations and rollbacks to target database groups of your choice.



Get a bird’s-eye view of your database-per-customer fleet’s schema to detect unapplied changes and schema drift.

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Stay on top of your database-per-tenant architecture with Atlas

Unlock unprecedented data isolation and compliance capabilities for applications, but managing schemas for thousands of tenant databases is hard.

Deployment overview

Get a bird-eye’s of each tenant’s schema. Which databases are running the latest schema, which have pending deployments, and which have failed. 

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Drift Detection

Get alerts and notifications whenever something is out of order with a tenant database’s schema. 

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Drill down

Quickly triage and troubleshoot any schema migration failures with detailed per-tenant logs

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Schema monitoring

Explore beautiful ERDs and live schema documentation along with detailed audit logs tracking changes to each tenant database.

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Define target database groups as code

Target database groups allow you to group target databases into logical groups that are rolled out together. These groups can be constructed dynamically via API calls, SQL queries, or from other external sources.

Read the docs

Atlas natively integrates with your modern CD stack, whether it’s Terraform, Kubernetes, GitHub Action, GitLab, or other popular choices.

Harness Database-per-Tenant Architectures Today

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