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Terraform Provider


The official Atlas Terraform provider allows you to use Atlas with Terraform to manage your database schemas as part of you Infrastructure-as-Code (Iac) workflow . Read about the release announcement here.


Add Atlas to your required providers:

terraform {
required_providers {
atlas = {
source = "ariga/atlas"
version = "~> 0.4.0"

Declarative Migrations

In the declarative workflow, the Atlas Terraform provider uses an HCL file to describe the desired state of the database, and performs migrations according to the state difference between the HCL file and the target database.

To use the Terraform provider, you will need such a file. If you are working against a fresh, empty database, start by creating a file named schema.hcl that only contains a single schema resource. If your database contains a schema (named database) is named example, use something like:

schema "example" {
// Basic charset and collation for MySQL.
charset = "utf8mb4"
collate = "utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci"

For instructions on using a database with an existing schema, see below

Configure Terraform

Use the following configuration to apply the HCL file schema.hcl onto a target MySQL database (but you can specify any of the supported databases):
provider "atlas" {}

// Load (and normalize) the desired schema from an HCL file.
data "atlas_schema" "market" {
dev_db_url = "mysql://root:pass@localhost:3307/market"
src = file("${path.module}/schema.hcl")

// Sync the state of the target database with the hcl file.
resource "atlas_schema" "market" {
hcl =
url = "mysql://root:pass@localhost:3306/market"
dev_db_url = "mysql://root:pass@localhost:3307/market"

For the full documentation and examples of the provider visit the registry page.

Working with an existing database

When you first run the Atlas Terraform Provider on a database, the database's state isn't yet present in Terraform's representation of the world (described in the Terraform State). To prevent a situation where Terraform accidentally creates a plan that includes the deletion of resources (such as tables or schemas) that exist in your database on this initial run, make sure that the HCL file that you pass to the atlas_schema resources is up-to-date.

Luckily, you do not need to write this file by hand. The Atlas CLI's schema inspect command can do this for you. To inspect an existing database and write its HCL representation to a file simply run:

atlas schema inspect -u <database url> > <target file>

Replacing <database url> with the URL for your database, and <target file> with the name of the file you want to write the output to. For example:

atlas schema inspect -u mysql://user:pass@localhost:3306 > schema.hcl

Versioned Migrations

In the versioned workflow, the Atlas Terraform provider uses the migrations directory to manage changes to the database across versions. To use this workflow, we first need to create a migrations directory using the Atlas CLI.

Here is the example of a migration directory that uses the versioned workflow:

-- modify "users" table
ALTER TABLE `users` ADD COLUMN `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL;

Configure Terraform

Use the following configuration to apply the migration directory onto a target MySQL database (but you can specify any of the supported databases):
provider "atlas" {}

// Inspect the target database and load its state.
// This is used to determine which migrations to run.
data "atlas_migration" "shop" {
dir = "migrations?format=atlas"
url = "mysql://root:pass@localhost:3306/shop"

// Sync the state of the target database with the migrations directory.
resource "atlas_migration" "shop" {
dir = "migrations?format=atlas"
version = # Use latest to run all migrations
url =
dev_url = "mysql://root:pass@localhost:3307/shop"

For the full documentation and examples for using the provider, visit the registry page.


Note, the dev_url is used to run the Lint on the migrations directory. See Migration Lint for more information.