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· 7 min read
Rotem Tamir

You can now import the desired database schema from any ORM or other tool into Atlas, and use it to automatically plan migrations for you.

See an example


Today, I'm happy to share with you one of the most exciting features we've added to Atlas since its inception: "External Schemas".

Atlas is a modern tool for managing your database schema. It allows you to inspect, plan, lint and execute schema changes to your database. It is designed to be used by developers, DBAs and DevOps engineers alike.


Atlas is built around the concept of database "Schema-as-Code", which means that you define the desired schema of your database in a declarative way, and Atlas takes care of planning and executing the necessary migrations to get your database to the desired state. The goal of this approach is to let organizations build a single source of truth for complex data topologies, and to make it easy to collaborate on schema changes.

Schema Loaders

To achieve this goal, Atlas provides support for "Schema Loaders" which are different mechanisms for loading the desired state of your database schema into Atlas. Until today, Atlas supported a few ways to load your schema:

  • Using Atlas DDL - an HCL based configuration language for defining database schemas.
  • Using Plain SQL - a simple way to define your schema using plain SQL files (CREATE TABLE statements, etc.)
  • From an existing database - Atlas can connect to your database and load the schema from it.
  • The Ent ORM - Atlas can load the schema of your Ent project.

Today, we are adding support for "External Schemas", which means that you can now import the desired database schema from any ORM or other tool into Atlas, and use it to automatically plan migrations and execute them for you.

How do External Schemas work?

External Schemas are implemented using a new type of Datasource called external_schema. The external_schema data source enables the import of an SQL schema from an external program into Atlas' desired state. With this data source, users have the flexibility to represent the desired state of the database schema in any language.

To use an external_schema, create a file named atlas.hcl with the following content:

data "external_schema" "example" {
program = [
"create table users (name text)",

env "local" {
src = data.external_schema.example.url
dev = "sqlite://file?mode=memory&_fk=1"

In this dummy example, we use the echo command to generate a simple SQL schema. In a real-world scenario, you would use a program that understands your ORM or tool of choice to generate the desired schema. Some ORMs support this out-of-the-box, such as Laravel's Eloquent's schema:dump command, while others require some simple integrations work to extract the schema from.

In the next section we will present the GORM Atlas Provider and how it can be used to seamlessly integrate a GORM based project with Atlas.

Demo Time

GORM is a popular ORM widely used in the Go community. GORM allows users to manage their database schemas using its AutoMigrate feature, which is usually sufficient during development and in many simple cases.

However, at some point, teams need more control and decide to employ the versioned migrations methodology. Once this happens, the responsibility for planning migration scripts and making sure they are in line with what GORM expects at runtime is moved to developers.

Atlas can automatically plan database schema migrations for developers using GORM. Atlas plans migrations by calculating the diff between the current state of the database, and its desired state.

In the context of versioned migrations, the current state can be thought of as the database schema that would have been created by applying all previous migration scripts.


If you haven't already, install Atlas from macOS or Linux by running:

curl -sSf | sh

See for more installation options.

Install the provider by running:

go get -u

Standalone vs Go Program mode

The Atlas GORM Provider can be used in two modes:

  • Standalone - If all of your GORM models exist in a single package, and either embed gorm.Model or contain gorm struct tags, you can use the provider directly to load your GORM schema into Atlas.
  • Go Program - If your GORM models are spread across multiple packages, or do not embed gorm.Model or contain gorm struct tags, you can use the provider as a library in your Go program to load your GORM schema into Atlas.

Standalone mode

If all of your GORM models exist in a single package, and either embed gorm.Model or contain gorm struct tags, you can use the provider directly to load your GORM schema into Atlas.

In your project directory, create a new file named atlas.hcl with the following contents:

data "external_schema" "gorm" {
program = [
"--path", "./path/to/models",
"--dialect", "mysql", // | postgres | sqlite

env "gorm" {
src = data.external_schema.gorm.url
dev = "docker://mysql/8/dev"
migration {
dir = "file://migrations"
format {
migrate {
diff = "{{ sql . \" \" }}"

In this example, we use the go run command to run the atlas-provider-gorm program and load the schema from the ./path/to/models directory. The atlas-provider-gorm program will scan the directory for GORM models and generate the desired schema for them. The --dialect flag is used to specify the database dialect that the schema should be generated for. The atlas-provider-gorm program supports the following dialects: mysql, postgres, and sqlite.

For the sake of brevity, we will not review the Go program mode in this post, but you can find more information about it in the GORM Guide.

External schemas in action

Atlas supports a versioned migrations workflow, where each change to the database is versioned and recorded in a migration file. You can use the atlas migrate diff command to automatically generate a migration file that will migrate the database from its latest revision to the current GORM schema.

Suppose we have the following GORM models in our models package:

package models

import ""

type User struct {
Name string
Pets []Pet

type Pet struct {
Name string
User User
UserID uint

We can now generate a migration file by running this command:

atlas migrate diff --env gorm 

Observe that files similar to this were created in the migrations directory:

|-- 20230627123246.sql
`-- atlas.sum

0 directories, 2 files

Examining the contents of 20230625161420.sql:

-- Create "users" table
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`created_at` datetime(3) NULL,
`updated_at` datetime(3) NULL,
`deleted_at` datetime(3) NULL,
`name` longtext NULL,
INDEX `idx_users_deleted_at` (`deleted_at`)
) CHARSET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;
-- Create "pets" table
`id` bigint unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`created_at` datetime(3) NULL,
`updated_at` datetime(3) NULL,
`deleted_at` datetime(3) NULL,
`name` longtext NULL,
`user_id` bigint unsigned NULL,
INDEX `fk_users_pets` (`user_id`),
INDEX `idx_pets_deleted_at` (`deleted_at`),
) CHARSET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;

Amazing! Atlas automatically generated a migration file that will create the pets and users tables in our database!

Next, alter the models.Pet struct to add a Nickname field:

type Pet struct {
Name string
+ Nickname string
User User
UserID uint

Re-run this command:

atlas migrate diff --env gorm 

Observe a new migration file is generated:

-- Modify "pets" table
ALTER TABLE `pets` ADD COLUMN `nickname` longtext NULL;


In this post, we have presented External Schemas and how they can be used to automatically generate database schema directly from your ORM models. We have also demonstrated how to use the GORM Atlas Provider to automatically plan migrations for your GORM models.

We believe that this is a huge step forward in making Atlas more accessible to developers who are already using ORMs in their projects. We hope that you will find this feature useful and we look forward to hearing your feedback.

How can we make Atlas better?

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