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3 posts tagged with "linting"

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· 5 min read
Jannik Clausen

It's been only two weeks since the release of v0.10.0, but we are already back with more exciting features we want to share with you. Besides some more improvements and bug fixes, we added two new SQL analyzers to Atlas and the capability to have Atlas Cloud pick up a linting configuration file from your repository.

Concurrent Index Policy (Postgres)

One of the Analyzers we added in this release is the Concurrent Index Policy Analyzer for Postgres. When creating or dropping indexes Postgres will lock the table against writes. Depending on the amount of data this lock might be in place longer than just a few moments, up to several hours. Therefore, Postgres provides the CONCURRENTLY option which will cause the index to be built without keeping a lock for the whole time it is built. While consuming more resources, this option oftentimes is preferred, and we are happy to present to you, that Atlas Linting engine is now capable of detecting statements that create or drop an index without using the CONCURRENTLY option.

Naming Conventions Policy

Keeping consistency when naming database schema resources is a widely common practice. Atlas now has an analyzer that can detect names that don't comply with a given naming policy and will warn you in such cases. You can configure both a global or a resource specific policy. Read on to learn how to configure this analyzer or have a look at the documentation.

Cloud Linting Configuration

In our last post, @a8m introduced the Community Preview for Atlas Cloud and how to connect a migration directory in your GitHub repository to Atlas Cloud with just a few clicks. As of then, the Atlas Cloud Linting reports that are added to your PR's used the default linting configuration. In this post, I will show you how to add configuration to the linting by making use of both the new analyzers I mentioned above.

When connecting a new migration directory, Atlas Cloud will scan the repository for an existing atlas.hcl file and propose to you to use that file on migration linting. If you don't have such a file, you can configure it manually as described in the next tab.

Enable the Analyzers

The Concurrent Index Analyzer will not report on creating or dropping indexes on tables that have been created in the same file. Therefore, lets ensure we have a table ready we can add an index to. Our first migration file can look something like this:

id serial PRIMARY KEY,
first_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL

To configure the Atlas Cloud linter to warn about creating or dropping indexes without the CONCURRENTLY option and ensure that all our schema resources are named with lowercase letters only, use the following configuration:


The below configuration will also work with the latest release of the Atlas CLI.

lint {
concurrent_index {
error = true # block PR on violations instead of warning

naming {
error = true
match = "^[a-z]+$" # regex to match lowercase letters
message = "must be lowercase letters" # message to return if a violation is found

See It In Action

What is left to demonstrate is a migration file violating the above policies. Take the below example: the index name contains an underscore _, which is permitted by the naming analyzer and create the index non-concurrently.

CREATE INDEX email_idx ON users (email);

After adding the above atlas.hcl configuration file and the new migration, create a Pull Request on GitHub and observe Atlas Cloud doing its magic wizardry:

Wonderful! As you can see, Atlas Cloud found the two issues with this simple statement. Since the Concurrent Index Analyzer is configured to error on violations, merging the PR is blocked (if you have this policy set on GitHub).

In addition to the comment on the Pull Request, you can find more detailed reporting in the Checks tab or have a look at the file annotations Atlas adds to your changes:

What next?

I sure hope the new analyzers will be useful to you. In the upcoming weeks, we will be rolling out several new major features that we have been working on lately, including schema drift detection, managed migration deployments, and much more. If any of these features sound interesting to you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We would love to hear from you on our Discord server ❤️.

· 5 min read
Rotem Tamir

As applications evolve, database schema changes become inevitable. However, some types of changes can break the contract between the backend server and the database, leading to errors during deployment and application downtime. Ensuring that these breaking changes are detected and prevented is crucial for maintaining system stability and delivering a seamless user experience. In this post, we will explore how Atlas can help you prevent breaking schema changes from impacting your application.

What are breaking changes?

Backward-incompatible changes, also known as breaking changes, are schema changes that have the potential to break the contract with applications that rely on the old schema. Applications today are expected to be highly-available, which means that we cannot shut them down for maintenance, and must continuously serve traffic, 24/7.

The common strategy for dealing with this requirement is called a "rolling deployment" where we deploy new versions of the application in stages, gradually increasing the percentage of traffic served by the new version. This means that during the deployment phase of a new version we will always have old and new code running side by side.

This means, for example, that renaming a column from email_address to email will cause older versions of the application to fail when they try to access the column using the old name. This is a breaking change, and it can cause downtime if not detected and prevented.

Manually enforcing backward-compatability

Preventing breaking changes in production is crucial to maintaining a highly-available system. To enforce backward-compatibility most teams rely on two things:

  1. GitOps: Making sure every change to the database is checked-in to source control system, and using automated schema migration tools to apply the change.
  2. Manual code-review: Carefully reviewing every schema change to make sure it will not break the contract between the backend and the database.

Checking-in database artifacts into source control is a well established technique - in fact it's one of the first principles mentioned in the seminal Evolutionary Database Design (Fowler and Sadalage, 2016).

However, let's consider the impact of relying on human review for changes using the widely accepted DORA Metrics for assessing DevOps performance:

  1. Lead time increases - Lead time measures the time it takes to get a commit to production. If a change needs the careful attention and approval of an expert reviewer that reviewer becomes a bottleneck.

  2. Change failure rate increases - measures the percentage of deployments causing a failure in production. Relying on humans to routinely evaluate and verify every change against dozens of rules and policies is naturally error-prone, especially if they are busy and under constant pressure to deliver (which expert reviewers almost always are).

  3. Deployment frequency decreases - How often an organization successfully releases to production. When engineers learn that a certain type of change gets queued up in slow review cycles there is a tendency to batch changes together, decreasing the frequency of deployments and increasing their riskiness.

This pattern is not unique to database changes, in fact it looks exactly the same for any high risk change. Since the emergence of the DevOps movement manual verification of changes is gradually being replaced by automation in many fields, can the same be done for database changes?

Automated detection of schema changes with Atlas

Atlas provides support for a process called migration linting, which many teams use to automatically verify the safety of schema changes against a predefined set of policies. Unlike most available SQL linters, Atlas's linter is focused on the semantic level, rather than the syntactic level, which involves formatting and coding style standards. The linter analyzes the meaning of the changes and their potential impact, rather than how the changes are written.

Atlas's migrate lint command exposes this mechanism, making the automatic detection of breaking schema changes simple and straightforward.

Suppose we wanted to run the following migration:

ALTER TABLE `users` RENAME TO `Users`;

Renaming a table is a backward-incompatible change that can cause errors during deployment (migration) if applications running the previous version of the schema refer to the old name in their statements. To check if our latest migration file contains any dangerous changes we run:

atlas migrate lint --dev-url docker://mysql/8/dev --latest 1

Atlas prints:

20230330203525.sql: backward incompatible changes detected:

L1: Renaming table "users" to "Users"

Amazing! Atlas detected our breaking change automatically. In addition to breaking changes Atlas supports many other safety checks that you can apply to your schema changes.

Linting can be used during development from the developer's workstation to detect issues locally, but it really shines when you connect it to your project's continuous integration pipeline, allowing you to prevent such changes from ever reaching production. Setting up CI for schema changes takes less than a minute using Atlas Cloud or a little longer using our GitHub Action.

Wrapping up

Detecting and preventing breaking changes in your database schema is essential for maintaining a high-quality user experience and ensuring system stability. Atlas provides you with a practical and efficient solution to analyze and detect potential breaking changes before they impact your application.

What's next?

Have questions or feedback? Feel free to reach out on our Discord server.

· 4 min read
Ariel Mashraki

It's been two months since the release of v0.9.0, so we figured it's about time to release a new version and share with you what we've accomplished so far, as well as what's to come in the upcoming weeks. Besides the many improvements and bug fixes in v0.10.0, we added two major features to Atlas that I want to share with you: schema loaders and the Community Preview of Atlas Cloud.

Schema Loaders

In our previous post, we discussed our motivation for developing an infrastructure to load desired states from external sources (not just SQL and HCL), and we highlighted the importance of schema loaders. Today, I'm happy to share that we've made significant progress on this front. We started by creating a schema loader for the Ent framework, and with the release of v0.10.0, Ent users can now use their ent/schema package as the desired state in all the different Atlas commands.

Using the new integration, users can compare an ent/schema package with any other state, apply it onto a database, generate migrations from it, and much more. Here are two examples:

atlas migrate diff create_users \
--dir "file://migrations" \
--to "ent://path/to/schema" \
--dev-url "sqlite://dev?mode=memory&_fk=1"

I'm really eager to see this initiative come to fruition because it has proven to work well for the Ent community. We are now ready to expand support for additional frameworks and languages. In the upcoming weeks, you can expect to see additional integrations, such as GORM, Sequelize, and more. With these new superpowers, users will be able to manage all of their database schemas using a single tool - Atlas!

Atlas Cloud Community Preview

We are also super thrilled to announce the Community Preview of Atlas Cloud! Atlas Cloud is a cloud-based service that provides teams with an end-to-end solution for managing database schema changes. As part of the Community Preview, we are offering a free "Community" plan for all users which you can use to manage up to 5 migration directories for your team or personal projects.

One important feature that was recently added to Atlas is the ability to connect remote migration directories stored in GitHub to Atlas Cloud. This new functionality empowers users to easily audit and view their migration history and get migration linting checks on their PRs, such as destructive or backwards incompatible changes detection.

Let's walk through a simple guide on how to set it up to a project with just a few clicks:

1. Login to and create a new workspace (organization) for your projects:

2. Once created, go to /dirs/configure and connect your migration directory stored in GitHub to Atlas Cloud:

3. After connecting your directory, you'll see an extensive overview of your migration history and the schema it presents:

4. From this point on, every change made to the migration directory will be reflected in Atlas Cloud. But what about the changes themselves? Here's where the magic happens. Once a directory is connected, any pull request that modifies it will be automatically checked and reviewed by Atlas!

Let's create a sample migration change, open a pull request, and see it in action:

Wonderful! However, that's not all. There is another detailed and visualized report available in Atlas Cloud that has been specifically created for this CI run. Go to the migration directory page, click on the CI Runs button to check it out.

A big thanks to @giautm, @masseelch and @yonidavidson for building this feature for Atlas!

What next?

Well, this is just the beginning of Atlas Cloud! In the upcoming weeks, we will be rolling out several new major features that we have been working on lately, including schema drift detection, managed migration deployments, and much more. If any of these features sound interesting to you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We would love to hear from you on our Discord server ❤️.