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Atlas Operator Quickstart


In this guide we will quickly go through setting up the Atlas Operator on a local Kubernetes cluster and demonstrate some of its basic features.

Local Cluster Setup

To get started, you will need a Kubernetes cluster running on your local machine. For the purpose of this guide, we will use minikube.

To install minikube on macOS, you can use brew:

brew install minikube

For other operating systems, follow the instructions on the official website.

Provision a local database

Next, we will install a PostgreSQL database to manage using the Atlas Operator:

kubectl apply -f

This command will install a few resources in your cluster:

  • A Deployment for the PostgreSQL database running the postgres:latest image.
  • A Service to expose the database to the cluster.
  • A Secret containing the database credentials in the Atlas URL format.

Install the Atlas Operator

Now we can install the Atlas Operator using Helm:

helm install atlas-operator oci://

This command will install the Atlas Operator in your cluster. The Operator includes three important components:

  • The AtlasSchema Custom Resource Definition (CRD) that supports the declarative migration flow.
  • The AtlasMigration CRD that supports the versioned migrations flow.
  • A controller that watches for AtlasSchema and AtlasMigration resources and applies the desired schema to the database.

Apply a schema

To apply a schema to the database, create a file named atlas-schema.yaml with the following content:

kind: AtlasSchema
name: atlasschema-pg
key: url
name: postgres-credentials
sql: |
create table t1 (
id int

This manifest includes two important parts:

  1. The urlFrom field that references the postgres-credentials secret containing the database URL. This tells the Operator where to apply the schema.
  2. The schema field that contains the desired state of the database. In this case, we are creating a table named t1 with a single column id.

To apply the schema, run:

kubectl apply -f atlas-schema.yaml

The Operator will detect the new AtlasSchema resource and apply the schema to the database.

To verify that the schema was applied correctly, let's use the kubectl exec command to connect to the PostgreSQL database and list the tables:

kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -l app=postgres -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')  -- \
psql -U postgres -d postgres -c "\d t1"

This command will connect to the PostgreSQL database and show the schema of the t1 table:

                 Table "public.t1"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | integer | | |

Great! You have successfully applied a schema to a PostgreSQL database using the Atlas Operator.

Evolve the schema

Let's modify the schema to update the t1 table by adding a new column name. Update the atlas-schema.yaml file with the following content:

kind: AtlasSchema
name: atlasschema-pg
key: url
name: postgres-credentials
sql: |
create table t1 (
id int,
name text -- new column we're adding

Apply the updated schema:

kubectl apply -f atlas-schema.yaml

To verify the schema change, connect to the PostgreSQL database and list the tables:

kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods -l app=postgres -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')  -- \
psql -U postgres -d postgres -c "\d t1"

You should see the updated schema:

                  Table "public.t1"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | integer | | |
name | text | | |