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Data Definition Language


In the core of the Atlas project resides the Atlas Data Definition Language (DDL). The DDL is designed to capture an organization's data topologies and other aspects of its data infrastructure.

In the design of the DDL, we put an emphasis on extensibility: As data topologies can contain a set of diverse data technologies, the language is designed to be modular with different extensions extending the types of resources and relationships that can be described using it.


The Atlas DDL currently supports an HCL syntax we call Atlas HCL. It is similar to other HCL based languages such as Terraform.


Documents written in the Atlas DDL usually describe resources. Resources are described as HCL blocks and have a type, and optionally a name. Consider this block:

user "rotemtam" {
// ...

This block describes a resource of type user with a name of rotemtam.


In some cases, a document may contain multiple resources with the same name. To differentiate between the different resources, the Atlas DDL supports qualifiers, an additional label preceding the resource name:

person "dr" "jekyll" {


This block describes a resource of type person, with a name of "jekyll" which is qualified by "dr".


Resources can have named attributes with primitive types (string, boolean, integer or float) or lists of primitive values.

For example:

user "rotemtam" {
email = ""
active = true
credits = 42
tags = [


Resources can have child resources. For example:

user "rotemtam" {
project "atlas" {
started = 2021
metadata {
category = "data"


Attributes can hold references to other resources. The address of any resource is <type>.<name>, recursively. Suppose we have this block describing some HTTP service:

service "todolist" {
port "http" {
number = 8080

If we want to reference the child "port" resource of the service we can use service.todolist.port.http:

server "production" {
endpoint "todo" {
path = "/todo"
service_port = service.todolist.port.http

Attributes can hold references to other attributes. When a document is parsed the reference is replaced with the referenced value. The address of any attribute is <type>.<name>.<attr name>.

group "seinfeld" {
id = 1
show "friends" {
id = 2
playlist "comedy" {
show_ids = [
// will equal 1,
// will equal 2

Reading with Go

To read an Atlas HCL document with Go use the EvalBytes (doc) function from the schemahcl package:

func ExampleUnmarshal() {
f := `
show "seinfeld" {
writer "jerry" {
full_name = "Jerry Seinfeld"
writer "larry" {
full_name = "Larry David"

type (
Writer struct {
ID string `spec:",name"`
FullName string `spec:"full_name"`
Show struct {
Name string `spec:",name"`
Writers []*Writer `spec:"writer"`
var test struct {
Shows []*Show `spec:"show"`
err := EvalBytes([]byte(f), &test, nil)
if err != nil {
seinfeld := test.Shows[0]
fmt.Printf("the show %q has %d writers.", seinfeld.Name, len(seinfeld.Writers))
// Output: the show "seinfeld" has 2 writers.

This function takes a byte-slice, an empty interface as arguments and a map of strings as input. The empty interface should be a pointer to a struct into which the EvalBytes function will read the values. The struct fields must be annotated with spec tags that define the mapping from HCL to the Go type. This mapping is discussed in the section about Extensions. The final map argument may contain Input Values to be passed as parameters of the evaluation.

Writing with Go

To encode a Go struct back into HCL, use the schemahcl.Marshal (doc) function:

func ExampleMarshal() {
type (
Point struct {
ID string `spec:",name"`
X int `spec:"x"`
Y int `spec:"y"`
var test = struct {
Points []*Point `spec:"point"`
Points: []*Point{
{ID: "start", X: 0, Y: 0},
{ID: "end", X: 1, Y: 1},
b, err := Marshal(&test)
if err != nil {
// Output: point "start" {
// x = 0
// y = 0
// }
// point "end" {
// x = 1
// y = 1
// }


Applications working with the Atlas DDL are expected to extend the Atlas language by defining their own type structs that objects can be handled in a type-safe way.

The mapping between the extension struct fields and the configuration syntax is done by placing tags on the extension struct field using the spec key in the tag. To specify that a field should be mapped to the corresponding resource's name specify ",name" to the tag value. For example,

type Point struct {
ID string `spec:",name"`
X int `spec:"x"`
Y int `spec:"y"`

Would be able to capture a Resource defined in Atlas HCL as:

point "origin" {
x = 100
y = 200

To operate correctly, struct extensions should be registered using the schemahcl.Register function:

schemahcl.Register("point", &Point{})

Extension structs may implement the Remainer interface if they wish to store any attributes and children that are not matched by their tagged fields. As a convenience the schemahcl package exports a DefaultExtension type that can be embedded to support this behavior.


In cases where resources may need to be qualified, a field of the target struct can be annotated with the ,qualifier tag. For instance this struct:

type Person struct {
Name string `spec:",name"`
Title string `spec:",qualifier"`

Can capture a qualified HCL resource such as:

person "dr" "jekyll" {
